The Forest: The story of the game revolves around a father who seeks to search for his lost son after their plane crashed in a forest on one of the islands, to find himself alone in the middle of that desolate forest and set out on a journey to find his son and during his journey he encounters terrifying creatures resembling zombies.
The Forest: إن قصة اللعبة تدور حول أب يسعى للبحث عن ابنه الضائع بعد أن سقطت طائرتهم وتحطمت في غابة بإحدى الجزر، ليجد نفسه وحيداً وسط تلك الغابة الموحشة وينطلق برحلة البحث عن ابنه وخلال رحتله يواجه مخلوقات مخيفة تشبه الزومبي.
Notes: The game version: v1.12. If you experience any crashes during launch, keep re-launching the game until it works. Un-ticking